The Northern California Chapter of the International Palm Society is dedicated to the research, promotion and publication of all aspects of palms.
We encourage propagation and cultivation of palms and make recommendations for the most suitable species for Northern California USA climate and microclimate zones.
We advocate and assist in the interchange of palm seeds, seedlings, plant material and plants amongst members as well as other affiliated chapters and mutually interested organizations worldwide.
We disseminate information relating to palms within the Society.
We promote membership in the International Palm Society. Membership to the Northern California Chapter of the Palm Society is open to all individuals, organization and corporations.
We meet throughout the year including gatherings at private gardens, public parks, and local arboretums
We maintain the Oakland Lakeside Palmetum through the donations and efforts of our members and from the proceeds generated at our plant auctions.
Society Officers:
President: Richard Quiroz
Vice President: Glenn E Harris
Treasurer: Keith Jaeger
Secretary: Edith Bergstrom and Caroline Howe
Edith Bergstrom
Ken Chase
Glenn Harris
Keith Jaeger
Nelson Kirk
Dale Motiska
Darold Petty
Carl Potter
Richard Quiroz
Patrick Schafer
Dan Sekella
Mike Shapiro
Caroline Van Howe
Past President Darold Petty
Web Content Manager: Dennis Valdez PalmSociety@aol.com